This was a re-styled Sharp GF-505 boombox with the name NASA put on it for unknown reasons.

NASA 1200GX DJ-573

This is the only "NASA" boombox I'm aware of. The badge on the front says 1200GX, but the label on the back says the model number is DJ-573. Whatever the case, it's simply a re-styled Sharp GF-505. It has all the same functions. The only differences are cosmetic.

I'm not sure why the name "NASA" was put on this box, but I've heard a rumor that it was to honor NASA's Summer High School Apprenticeship Research Program (SHARP). But if that's the case, why does it have Japanese labels on the controls, and why does it use only Japanese 100V voltage? Personally I doubt there was any collaboration with NASA at all, because the NASA logo is just an imitation, and there's a sticker on the front saying "NASA Communication Co. Ltd. Japan" which doesn't make any sense.






Created by Reli. Last Modification: Friday 31 of December, 2021 03:00:31 GMT by Reli.
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